Audio Mastering UK & Online Audio Mastering Service

I help your music to sound amazing everywhere with unlimited mastering revisions for 30 days so you’re not risking anything!

free-60-mastering demo

    Try it for FREE here

    Tom S. Ray


    I’m Tom S. Ray and I’ve been in the audio universe for almost two decades now (wow, that does make me sound old..but hey).

    I started with producing some instrumental music and moved on to more synthesised stuff later on (the hours I spent playing the first Moog VST..).

    After some time I decided to learn about pro audio techniques, how to record and how to mix so in 2007 I enrolled to Sound Engineering college in Edinburgh (Edinburgh College) where I did loads of projects, recorded a crazy amount of bands (actually broke the record for the most studio hours outside the class time in one year- 342 hours – more than my whole class combined!)

    Once I got to a pretty good level of mixing I realised I’m still missing on mastering. And this is where my real adventure started.

    I started to dig really deep into mastering. Read all the books available out there (shout out to Bob Katz and Bobby Owsinski) and tried myself in mastering.

    Fast forward 12 years and I’m a head mastering engineer at Audio Unity Group, hold a bachelor with honors degree in music from Kingston University in London, lecture mastering to students in Edinburgh College and been working with tons of artists in every genre imaginable. 

    I love helping other artists enhance their vision of their songs and I really hope I can be a help to you too! 

    The complete package you won't get anywhere else!

    My mastering service offers stereo mastering, CD mastering, Vinyl mastering as well as our unique mid/side mastering service and my studio is located at 54 Washington Street, Glasgow (come and say hi if you’re around!). 

    I want to make sure we’re both happy with the final masters and that’s why I offer unlimited mastering revisions for up to 30 days! I know that sometimes after hearing the master for the first time you wish you’d boosted vocals or tweaked guitars that’s why free and unlimited revisions are so important. 

    Each mastered track comes in 4 formats:

    • 48/24 master for YouTube  – so you can have video ready master on hand
    • 44/24 streaming optimised master – to be sure you won’t get penalised by Spotify but your songs will still sound loud and dynamic
    • 44/16 master for CD – ready for CD pressing
    • Mp3 master for online use so you won’t have to convert your masters and lose any quality while doing it

    Additionally, I can also create a DDP image for pressing plants as well as code your ISRC so your masters are ready for reproduction.

    Feedback and mix advice is something that I really enjoy doing. Once we start working together you can expect tips for you to improve the mix and insights into different mix approaches so the final master could sound even better.

    What you should but probably don't know about benefits of mastering

    There’s so much more to mastering than just volume boost so let me point out everything that you can expect when working with me.

    Make sure you listen to before/after mastering examples below.

    Your music will sound excellent on each device, in every environment so you don’t have to worry about inconsistent quality anymore.

    Your songs will finally sound dynamic meaning all the drums and powerful bass lines will move your listener.

    If you love crispy vocals, mastering will bring that quality into the master so you can be sure the vocals are prominent and audible for your fans.

    Expanding the stereo image (the way how the instruments are placed within the left-right spectrum) will not only make more room for low end instruments but also empower reverbs to make the whole song sound much fuller.

    Your drums will gain necessary punch and form connection with the bass so you and your fans can not only hear but also “feel” more.

    When you decide to master an album or EP all the tracks will sound consistent and form the “whole picture” without any drops in quality or volume.

    All your masters will be available to you forever (I store them on my external drives) so even if you lose the masters I have sent you I’ll be able to retrieve them in no time (it happens more often than you think).

    If you are planning to press your music onto a CD I’ll create a DDP file for you which can save you a significant amount of money as many pressing plants charge for this service.

    I’ve heard about mastering studios claiming the rights to masters once they finish the work. Don’t worry. You keep all the rights, all the royalties. I’m only interested in making your music sound as good as possible.

    Audio Mastering

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    No more

    If you want to have great sounding masters, masters that you can be proud of and at the same time sure your music will never be rejected or penalised, place your order below and send over your songs to work on them together! 

    And the best part is  – we’ll work together until you’re 100% happy with the final masters so you don’t have to worry that your money is badly spent. Without any extra costs! 

    As a FREE bonus you’ll get from me a consultation session where we will discuss the mix, what can be done differently and how to turn it into the world’s greatest master. 

    To use my service follow the steps below (it only 4 takes minutes).

    To place your order simply select the number of songs you need mastered, click the buy now button, go to checkout and after you place your order you’ll get an email from me with instructions on how to prepare your mix as well as how to send it. Super easy.
    I hope to work with you on your music!

    Need more tracks mastered or have questions?

    If you need more  songs mastered or if you have any questions about my mastering service please send me a message

    Send me a message

    Remember! You can always try my mastering for FREE! All you have to do is put your details in the box and you’ll get an email from me with instructions on how to send me your mix. After that, I’ll send you your song mastered as a 60 sec sample (I call it F60 – pretty cool name right? ;).

    free-60-mastering demo
      How should I prepare my mix for mastering?

      Your mix should be created in the same frequency your project has been mixed. If you have mixed in 48kHz or 96kHz, do not convert to 44.1kHz. Do not convert 44.1 kHz up to any higher resolution as it will only add zeros and won’t change audio quality. Provide files in either .wav or .aiff format. Make sure that at the highest peak the song does not hit 0dB and if it does, drop the level and bounce again. I would advise to leave -6dB headroom. 

      Should I use any effects on master channel eg. normalize or peak limit prior to mastering?

      Do not use any effects such as limiting, clipping, etc. on you stereo output track. Normalizing functions in audio workstations can actually degenerate the quality of your audio. If you feel you need to run a compressor on the mix buss but you’re unsure, bounce out two versions: with and without it. Listen with the compression switched in and out but compared at equal levels. It’s possible you may slam it too hard, or the attack or release may not be quite right. It’s very difficult to repair that kind of damage to your audio files.

      Do you do stem audio mastering?

      Some audio mastering facilities do mastering by utilising a separation of basic elements of your mix. Since these elements must still be mixed together at some point, technically-speaking doing this kind of work is actually a post-production mixing process. I prefer to work on one stereo file. This is how I get the best results. 

      Will mastering help within the music industry?

      Of course. Having your tracks properly mastered gives you massive advantage over the amateur artists not investing in the audio mastering process. Audio mastering will make sure your music is ready for international broadcasting as well as delivering outstanding experience to the audience.

      How long does it takes to get my music mastered?

      Delivery of the masters depends on the amount of songs and the work involved. 1 song takes usually 48 hours. 12 track album from 7 to 10 days.